Why you should attend Pune Off Road Expedition Atleast Once?
By Amrit Mishra - October 05, 2015
Revving up the engines, lined up, full geared, all modified bikes. When we all started the ride to complete 60km of tough terrain, crossing some unknown pavements, jungles, mud, slug, broken rocks, n number of waterfall, rivers, we had no idea how the ride will be.
Even though the route was same for 70%, there were 100% chances of surprises, and u can not tame a dense n dark jungle who is ready to gulp you up and leave no traces of you or your machine.
Race path was so slippery, that even a minor mistake you take you to deep inside the valley which was following us at every turn. Even though we fell again n again, but we keep riding and kept conquering the untamed path across Panshet Jungles.
And we reached the completion of Stage 1 30km from the start point. Rested for few minutes, some photo sessions, some stunts, some enjoyment in the cold river and we were ready again to complete the journey u had started. This time controlling bike was difficult now. Trails were more slippery, slugs and mud had covered whole bike and the riders, even the off road tyres failed times. Enjoying the beauty of Panset Dam and struggling with offroad we finally reached to finish line.
Pune Off Road Expedition is not a race or a rally, it is a whole new level of a ride for everyone. You will get time and chance to understand your machine and yourself. Not everyone over there is dirt race professionals. There were many bikers of different genre and many first timers. And at the end you will be a different biker, a biker who respects his machine, his friends, his co-riders. This was my 2nd Off Road Expedition and I had an awesome time meeting some old friends and making many new ones. As I mentioned this expedition helped me to understand my machine and how it behaves in different conditions. What are its limitations and where my bike excels, which I would not have learned ever in million of km of road riding.
Now this brings me back to my question, and my answer is yes, it does not matter what machine or bike you have, it does not matter if your mudguards are removed or not, it does not matter is you have a dirt bike or not, only thing what matter if you have the courage to ride an unknown and different terrain with your lovely machine. And it bet once you complete the track, you will thank me.